Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Hi Ann, Nov. 3rd 2022

I made a cassette tape for you about my testimony of Jesus. I hope you listen to it. It has nothing to do with churches or religious people, it's just me and Jesus. I know it’s hard for you and even myself to believe something when there's no proof, so I hope my testimony can be proof for you.

The other cassette recordings, which are done by bible scholars (not people who are out for your money), those people will also help to prove Jesus. I hope and pray you listen to those recordings as well. These scholars are legitimate, they aren't out to con people.

In my testimony, I sincerely asked Jesus this question back in 1998, "Jesus, who are you?" I asked this question because I wanted proof and answers from Jesus himself, and not from untrustworthy people or churches. I did not go to church, I did not believe in God, I knew nothing of the bible, but I did believe that Jesus was a real person, because my parents celebrated Him on Christmas and on Easter, although I did not fully understand the biblical implications of either of those holidays. My mom, Judy, always had the Charlton Heston movie The Ten Commandments playing on the TV every Easter.

Ann, it doesn't matter what you believe in or what Jamie and I believe in. What matters is the fact that there may be a worst-case scenario after death that we are not entirely sure of, which is why we are covering our bases. Will you cover your bases with Jamie and I?

If hell exists, then we may assume that only pedophiles and murderers end up in hell, yet if the bible is truth and fact, then I’m not willing to gamble my eternal soul with an assumption of who I assume our creator to be. Being diligent is a must when it comes to the mystery of life and death.

You may think that only good people go to heaven, yet Jesus said that no one is good but God, so that means that no matter how hard we try to be good, or how hard we try to be loving, we will never achieve perfection because we either have lied, stolen, used God’s name in vain, been unforgiving, treated our parents or children like shit, hated others, had sex out of marriage, allowed addictions and depression to the point of suicide or family disruptions. This is why Jesus died on the cross, to be our advocate and our atonement before our creator should we accept Jesus. If we don’t accept Jesus, who is God in human form, then we make the mistake of making our own death bed, which is an insult to God who created our life bed. We assume that God will let us get away with even the smallest acts of sin.

I present to you; the worst-case scenario and I pray that you don't gamble with your eternity.

Ann, in the same way that you won't allow Susan into your home, God will not allow any humans into his home of heaven, unless they sincerely and humbly give their life to Jesus, repent of their sins, and have an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus.

God gave us free will, which was why Adam and Eve did what they did when they were kicked out of eternal living and into the trap of physical death and spiritual death. They went against Gods warnings by choosing to trust Gods creation, rather than trusting God. They chose to trust Satan, who was once an angel creation of God who challenged God which resulted in the formation of hell.

Ann, in the same way that you keep your house clean and in the same way that you won't allow your house to get dirty, especially by other peoples F I L T H, God is similar in keeping His house clean. He won't allow into heaven the dirtiness of liars, of thieves, of the sexually immoral, of those who covet, of those who hate, of those who don't forgive, of those who murder which includes murdering the unborn, and much much more.

The biggest sin of all is not believing in and giving ones life to Jesus. This is the number one reason why people go to hell. They refuse to believe that God is Jesus. Are you willing to gamble with your opinion of who you think God is? What if you’re wrong? It doesn't matter what we believe or think. Death is a fact, and nobody knows what happens when we die, unless they have a near death experience.

No matter what good deeds we do, our sins are what God judges us on. Judges in courtrooms don't judge us for the good things we've done, they judge us on the bad things we've done. An all powerful God who created the earth, the stars, planets, humans, and animals, is not someone to toy with or make assumptions about.

Gods standards are much higher than the standards of humans. God will not allow termites, rust or mold into His house, which in our case, we are the termites, we are the rust and we are the mold, and the only way we can be cleaned is by Jesus, which is Gods way of coming down to earth like a janitor to clean those who sincerely ask Him to spiritually cleanse and sanctify them in the Holy Spirit.

Ann, you cannot earn your way to heaven. Your good deeds will not give you access to heaven. This seems unfair, but this is how God works, which is why it's better to be safe then sorry when it comes to death.

Why do Jamie and I believe that Jesus is God? We believe Jesus is God because Jesus claimed to be God, Jesus gave me visions that revealed to me that He is God, and because God wanted to come down to our tiny level, kind of like how a parent gets down on their knees at the childs level, so that the child can see eye to eye with the parent and listen more clearly to what the parent is saying.

God coming down to earth with us, in the form of Jesus, was His way of saying, "I'm here, I love you, please listen to Me, please choose Me, your life depends on it." Just like when kids don't listen to their parents, they end up in hot messy troubles, even premature death.

When we don't listen to God, our consequence after physical death is spiritual death, which is the separation from God, for forever. If this is fact, then the prudent thing to do, is to do what God asks us to do. It's that simple.

What does God want us to do? He wants us to give our life to Jesus with repentance and to trust Jesus to guide us through the rest of our life. Jesus said one cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless they be born again. What does this mean? This means we give our life to Christ, trust in Him and repent of our sins. How do we repent? Sincerely with all for your heart ask Jesus what sins you need to repent of. You have to believe that he will eventually answer.

Humans have laws and rules and a justice system that doesn't allow people to do certain things, which can come at a cost if caught in those criminal acts. The simple act of lying under oath, known as perjury, can end people up in jail and even prison. If we as humans treat lying as a class 4 felony, then how much would God treat the same act? God treats every immoral act the same, to the furnace you garbage humans, stay out of my house.

When it comes to death, God has the final authority with His morally objective rules that outwiegh any subjective human rules. No one can uphold God's moral laws, except for Jesus. Jesus was able to uphold the moral laws because He Himself is God.

The Ten Commandments says thou shall not kill, but it also says, thou shall not steal, thou shall not lie, thou shall not love anyone or anything more than God Himself. We're kidding ourselves if we think that only rapists and murderers end up in hell, because Jesus came to save all people who are willing to give their life to Him.

Even rapists and murderers can go to heaven if they sincerely give their life to Jesus and repent of their sins. Paul, one of Jesus’ disciples, he murdered Christians until he came to the realization of Jesus and gave his life to Jesus. Killing prisoners with the death penalty is a sin in and of itself. Thou shall not kill, even prisoners. Prisoners should have the chance to come to Jesus, which is hard to do if they are bound under the death penalty within a short prison time.

Ann, my baby, who I named Link, Jesus showed me two visions of him within 8 months of my misscarriage. The first vision I was shown was a person or an angel carrying Link. Links age was still that of an infant who could not yet walk. The second vision that I was shown was of Jesus and Link standing together on a rolling hill. Link looked to be 3-5 years old. Jesus and Link were both wearing sheperds robes with hoods and they both held there own shepherds staff.

People who've had near death experiences of heaven say that the babies and children who've died and gone to heaven, they grow much faster in heaven than on earth. My baby was just beginning to implant within the uterus wall when I misscarried, which means Link was between 6 and 12 days old, so you must realize that the life of the spirit and soul begins at conception.

Ann, when you agree that it’s okay for people to get abortions, then you are agreeing with murder. People who help with and engage in and who allow abortions to occur, those people are intentionally murdering the unborn and they will go to hell if they do not come to Jesus.

Ann, your thought processes on thinking that it's okay for people to kill babies in the womb is sinful thinking. It's not okay with God when you think those thoughts. God knows everything you think, whether it's good or bad.

Are Jamie and I perfect? No we aren’t. True Christians fight against sin. True Christians turn away from sins. True Christians struggle with even the smallest of sins, especially thought sins. True Christians are weak. Jesus cleans us and helps us to renew our minds. Jesus helps us to be spiritually strong.

God came down as a human to ask us to be committed to Him rather than to His creation or to our personal sins. This means we have to love God more than ourselves and love God more than each other. Yes, we still need to love each other with Godly love, but we have to love God more.

Ann, are you willing to gamble with the possibility of ending up in hell, especially when God said that even thieves and liars will end up in hell? Even if you only lied once in your life or stole once in your life, that is considered guilty and worthy of hell according to God. I know that seems unfair, but God was fair enough to come as Jesus and die a horrific death in order to show us how to escape hell. Not believing in what I say or what Jesus says isn’t going to keep you out of hell. Belief has nothing to do with undeniable facts.

Ann, have you ever lied, or had sex outside of marriage, or loved the world more than you loved God or have you ever stolen something even if it was insignificant? Have you ever hated someone? Jesus said that hating someone is the same as murdering someone in your heart. He also said that if you don't forgive other people, then God will not forgive you either. Have you forgiven Susan? Have you forgiven Donald Trump?

Even if you've forgiven Susan or Donald Trump, forgiving them will not give you a free pass into heaven. Sincerely and humbly giving your life to Jesus and putting all of your trust into Jesus and repenting of all your personal sins to Jesus, that will get you into heaven.

Mom, we ask you to earnestly and sincerely talk to the Holy Spirit of Jesus for your own wellbeing. It's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the unknown afterlife.

I'd like you to say this prayer with sincereity to Jesus.


Come into my heart and mind

Help me to know the truth

Help me to repent of my sins

Forgive me

For all the things

I've ever done wrong

Forgive me

For all the things

I do wrong now

Forgive me

For all the things

I do wrong in the future

Help me to do Your will

I love You Jesus

You created me

You created Max the dash hound

Your death on the cross

Pays for my sins

After three days of being dead

You rose from Your grave

and conquered death

in place of my spiritual death

Because You created

the universe and the world

I humble myself before You

I put all of my trust into You

and I give my life to You

whole heartedly

I am sincerely Your child

Hold me in Your hands forever

and never let me go

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